To my boys and girls far away in Los Angeles! <3
I’m back in cold and rainy Germany since one week now and to keep practicing my English I decided to write a little article for all the lovely people I met in the City of Angels – to keep all the memories a little bit longer. It is not easy to supress the feelings of missing you while I’m that far away.
So, what can I say? I wish, I could have spent more time at this beautiful place, could have shared more moments with you, could have seen more of the city and the people and the country, where I lost a little piece of my heart and soul. Back here in Germany, it all seems more grey and foggy and it’s damn cold here. I miss the sun and the ocean and the food and you – yes, I really miss each one of you.
You all gave me that much fun and love and spirit and power and much more. It was a pleasure to meet you and I want to say „thank you“ for all of that. Thanks for spending time with me, for sharing your rooms, for showing me another view how life can be – and thank you for all the music! All the time, the good and the bad moments (yes, there were a few ones), will be saved in my mind and my heart for the rest of my life.
But I’m on my way back to California. Don’t know when I will arrive but I’m on my way. And I hope that the day, I might see all of you again, will come as soon as possible. Maybe earlier than we all can expect at the moment.
I’m sending much love and many hugs and kisses from Germany all the way to California – take care of you until I’m back!
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